Réussissez votre Score 2025:

Annales corrigées du Score IAE-Message

PrepMySIM : Entraînez-vous en ligne

La préparation officielle en ligne complète avec PrepMyFuture

Préparez-vous au Score 2025:

200 questions de compréhension et expression écrite en anglais

Préparez-vous au Score 2025:

200 questions de raisonnement logique et numérique


The "IAE-Message Score" test affords the candidates to be evaluated in four key areas for future managers (general , economic and managerial Culture, comprehension and written expression in French, Logical and numerical reasoning, comprehension and written expression in English).

As other self-positioning tests in management and administration, it can be an element of appreciation of the skills of a student who wants to join a university course in management. This test can also be helpful to the orientation of students wishing to pursue a university degree in management. They can evaluate by themselves their skills in relation to the requirements of the University training. This device prevents a possible error in the orientation and rejection of the area. Candidates are free to enroll in the "Score-IAE Message". This test cannot be a compulsory part of the application dossier to join the trainings of IAE.

Benefits for candidates

The benefits of passing the IAE-Message Score for a candidate are numerous.
The candidate takes a single test to apply for several trainings, in several establishments. He can apply for as many courses as he wants, for a single rate of 30 euros excluding tax or 36 euros including tax.
He has the possibility to take the tests in the center of his choice (in France or abroad), which avoids him the costs of transport and lodging.
His results are valid for three academic returns. If he decides to change school after one year, he will not need to take the test another time.
Many companies are now asking for results at the IAE-Message Score in the recruitment procedures of their managers and future executives.

il ne faut pas s'arrêter sur une question à laquelle on ne sait pas répondre. Il ne faut pas perdre du temps inutilement mais il faut aussi prendre son temps pour bien répondre
Victor Martin

Candidat 2015

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